Don’t Forget to Pack the Sunscreen for your Winter Get-Away

Airplane wing

Every year around this time, Canadian Snowbirds are packing their bags to escape the cold Canadian winter. With over half a million Canadians looking to get out of the cold and into the sun, it is important to remember to protect your skin with proper sunscreen. Over 80,000 cases of skin cancer are diagnosed in Canada each year, more than 5,000 of which are melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer. Though skin cancer is preventable and most often treatable, it remains the most common form of cancer.

The Ultra Violet (UV) radiation levels vary depending on the time and location. The World Health Organization posts a UV Index on their website with a list of the UV measurements according to the area. The Weather Network also has a UV Report that you allows you to type in the destination of where you are headed, and it will advise the latest reading for that area.


Most of us understand the importance of using sunscreen to protect our skin from the damaging UV rays but with so many options of sunscreen products and different levels of protection, how is one supposed to choose? In order to select the right sunscreen for you, it is important to understand a few sunscreen basics.

Picking the proper sunscreen starts with deciding the type of exposure you are expecting. If you will only be outdoors for a few minutes at a time, a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15, which filters out about 93 percent of UV radiation, is usually sufficient. If you plan on enjoying the sun longer than just a few minutes, you will want to look at a sunscreen option with a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.


Laser and Skin Care Medspa offers high quality, affordable skincare, and sunscreen products for normal and problem skin types. Issues such as acne or rosacea require particular attention, and we take the time to discuss your options with you and gain an understanding of your skin type before recommending a product.

Though skin cancer is preventable and most often treatable, it remains the most common form of cancer. According to the Canadian Skin Cancer Foundation, these are the types of skin cancer that are common:

Actinic keratosis (AK), also known as solar keratosis, is a skin condition caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation (i.e. sunlight). Some experts believe that AK is the earliest form of SCC.

Basal cell Carcinoma (BCC) is the most common form and accounts for 90% of all skin cancers. It starts in the basal cells at the bottom of the epidermis (outer skin layer) and is caused by long-term exposure to sunlight. It is the most easily treated.

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common type. It starts in the epidermis, eventually penetrating the underlying tissue if not treated. It is easily treated when found early, but in a small percentage of cases, this cancer spreads (metastasizes) to other parts of the body.

Malignant melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer and is responsible for the most deaths. However, it can be cured if it is diagnosed and removed early. Melanoma can develop from a pre-existing mole that appeared normal but changes, or as an irregular appearing new spot.

(the above information was taken from the website

Sunscreen is an integral part of a sun protective regime. You should also include time out of the sun in a shady area, wearing protective clothing such as a full brim hat and sunglasses, and avoid the UV tanning beds. If you would like assistance picking out the best sunscreen for your skin type, the professional staff at Laser and Skin Care Medspa are available to answer all your questions and make a recommendation for you.



What are Those Small, Rough, Dark Spots on my Skin?

If you’ve been finding small, rough areas that are slightly ‘waxy’ looking and have slightly raised surfaces on your body, you’re certainly not alone. Men and women often visit our clinic complaining of these spots that crop up in places like their chest, scalp, shoulders, back, or abdomen. These spots that are round or oval in shape and are usually brown in color are called seborrheic keratosis. More than anything, however, most people don’t like how they look and want to know how to get rid of them.

Seborrheic Keratosis is a type of skin growth and while they can be unsightly, the growths are not harmful. However, because it can be difficult to differentiate from melanoma, a serious skin cancer, you should have it looked at by a doctor.

What Causes Seborrheic Keratosis?

The growths will start out as small, rough bumps but over time will become thicker and develop a warty type surface. Some people describe these spots as being ‘stuck’ to their skin. While doctors are not certain as to why seborrheic keratosis develop, some possible causes are exposure to sunlight, genetics and age. While most people aren’t thrilled to discover these growths, the good news is that most can be managed or even removed with professional skin care treatments and products.

How to Treat these Spots

In most cases, it’s possible to exfoliate these round or oval spots and remove the rough dead skin cells and smooth the skin. After exfoliation, applying a quality alpha hydroxy product is beneficial. While some people will be able to entirely remove the spots using this method, others will be able to reduce their appearance. Seborrheic keratosis can also be removed with a laser. An intense beam of light will destroy the growth.

Seborrheic keratosis is a common, harmless growth that appears on the skin of at least thirty percentage of those over 40 years of age. The lesions are not painful but can be annoying or embarrassing and can be removed. If you have questions or would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact the professional staff at Laser and Skin Care Medspa. Set up a FREE consultation for your skin care concerns by calling the Medspa at (403) 347-8050.

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Celebrity Treatment for Your Appearance

Spectra Laser PeelYou don’t have to be a Hollywood Celebrity to rejuvenate your appearance. The Spectra Carbon Laser Peel, also called Hollywood Laser Peel, is a forward-thinking treatment for your skin. This procedure is safe and gentle and will offer the results you want with no pain and no downtime. It is a win/win!

This treatment offers numerous benefits that will instantly create a glowing, radiance to your appearance. The Spectra Peel is the best way to obtain a quick skin refresher while evening out the skin tone. This treatment is the perfect solution to reducing the appearance of pigmentation, fine lines, and acne scarring and leave your skin looking and feeling younger. While the Hollywood Laser Peel can be performed alone, it is recommended that several appointments are made over a period of time for optimal results.

Stop wondering what all the hype is about and book an appointment to discover these benefits for yourself:

Hollywood Laser peel

  • Reduces the appearance of pigmentation, fine lines, and textural irregularities
  • Improves overall skin tone
  • Shrinks enlarged pores
  • Treats acne and the scarring it can leave
  • Creates a fresh youthful look
  • Smoother, glowing complexion
  • Stimulates collagen which leads to tissue regrowth
  • Safe for most skin types
  • Comfortable procedure with little to no downtime

How the Spectra Peel Works

The Spectra Laser is a two-step process that targets pigmentation in the skin and breaks it up so that it is removed naturally by your body. First, the Spectra carbon lotion is applied to your skin and needs to set for between 10 to 15 minutes. Then, the laser will be used to deliver energy deep into the dermis that causes the skin to contract and stimulate collagen. The use of the carbon lotion in combination with the Spectra Laser produces the amazing results you’ll experience.

This treatment is gentle enough to be performed each month and with each treatment, you will notice improvement of your skin.  You can expect dramatic results with this innovative rejuvenation procedure.

Treating aging skin for a more youthful appearance doesn’t need to be a difficult or painful experience with the Hollywood Laser Peel. This highly requested treatment is being asked for all over the globe and received its name because of the popularity of being performed on celebrities before their big walk down the red carpet. You will find the exact same treatment the celebrities receive, right here in Red Deer, exclusively at the Laser and Skin Care Medspa.


Watch this video for more information.