Since the beginning of time societies have had a long standing love affair and fascination with hair. Women with an abundant head of hair will be considered more attractive, sexier and healthier. 80% of women will experience hair loss or hair thinning after the age of 50. Generally hair loss is considered a male problem however women make up 40% of hair loss sufferers. Men react to hair loss differently and will generally shrug it off, cover it up with a ball hat and cope with a resigned acceptance that it doesn’t matter. For women hair loss can be very devastating for the self-image and the emotional wellbeing.
The majority of women that experience hair thinning and hair loss have a condition referred to as Androgenic Alopecia. Rarely do women experience patterns of baldness and regression of hairline as men do. Androgenic Alopecia in women is due to the effects of male hormones that tend to rise as women get older. This type of Alopecia can be caused by a variety of factors related to actions of hormones including types of birth control pills, pregnancy, menopause and ovarian cysts. The hormone responsible just as in men, DHT (Dyhydrotestosterone) can take the blame for shrinking the hair follicles making it impossible for healthy hair to survive. Up to a couple decades ago it was believe the circulating testosterone was the culprit.
Under normal conditions women have a smaller level of testosterone then men but even this low level and other changes occurring with menopause in particular will cause DHTtriggered hair loss in women. Unfortunately this tends to be a progressive non reversible event unless a woman sees a dermatologists or free standing hair loss clinic such as our affiliate HLCC. There are situation where hair loss is a symptom of a short term event such as pregnancy, certain medications such as the birth control pill and certain medical conditions such as hypothyroidism. The biggest player in short term hair loss is stress whether it be acute or chronic. Fortunately when these situations are corrected hairs will go back to their random pattern of growth and shedding till over a minimum of 4 to 6 months the hair will fully recover.
Both men and women suffer negative consequences from hair loss and a significant one is the effect on self-esteem. Through the centuries all kinds of concoctions have been derived to either be injected or to massage on the head to try to grow hair. Transplant hair plug surgery has been available for several decades with various degrees of success. Minoxidyl became available as a topical stimulant (Rogaine) and also in an oral form (Propecia). Again this had some limited success because the positive effect on the hair follicles was negatively affected by the damage done to hair follicles from hair products in particular shampoos and conditioners.
Sodium Laureth and derivatives of Sodium Laureth is the major culprit. It is put into certain products to make it suds up. Companies such as our affiliate Hair Loss Clinic of California set about developing a product line that would not contain commonly used chemicals including Sodium Laureth that are detrimental to hair development.
Hair stimulating lasers have been available for close to 30 years as with other technology these have evolved through time to become a predictable noninvasive and successful form of treatment. All hair lasers are considered a low energy laser or referred to as a cold laser and therefore have no destructive heat components that can damage hair or follicles or to penetrate the tissues below the scalp.
This particular 650nm energy beam increases a chemical called Adenosine-5-triphosphate (ATP) which acts as an energy transporter in individual cells one can think of it as a similar process to photosynthesis which causes growth in the plant world.
This year the Hair Loss Control Clinic (HLCC) was awarded THE MOST INNOVATIVE NEW AESTHETIC TREATMENT SERVICE in London, England. HLCC a pioneer in hair loss treatment has been providing physician directed programs using low level lasers for hair restoration for over 25 years, in 175 clinics and 30 countries worldwide. The HLCC solution is a multi-therapeutic approach as it provides scientifically formulated products and low level cosmetic laser that have been clinically designed to stimulate hair growth in both men and women. The HLCC multi therapeutic approach has also been used by hair transplant surgeons such as Dr. Vitcoris Hagstrom at the New Aesthetic Medical Centre of Minneapolis. In an article recently published by the National Hair Society Dr. Hagstrom was quoted “the laser treatments enable the transplants to work better as they trigger the hair follicle into the active phase of growth. When people use the HLCC programs they are 100% successful I see improvements every time”
HLCC is a global leader in hair loss treatments an affiliated Clinic. Laser and Skin Care Medspa has been an affiliate of HLCC since 2007. Dr.Bakken personally met the CEO of HLCC in 2007. Mr.Blatter continues to be an in demand respected speaker /trainer and educator in the hair loss industry. He has trained many hair loss professionals on lasers and product technology and has been featured on Fox News, ABC, Good Morning Dallas, CBS New Orleans and in numerous beauty/hair loss publications. He believes in hands on support and has been instrumental in assuring his affiliated clinics that they are fully educated and supported in providing a superior treatment program.
The HLCC laser system provides the full package with therapeutic hair products, home hand held lasers as well as professional lasers for on-site treatments within hair loss clinics. The hair loss system offers …
- Flexibility with home and office laser systems
- Immediate results
- Increase in the blood supply to the scalp by 54% after only one treatment
- Stops progression of hair loss in 85% of patients/clients
- No needed change in life style
- Non invasive
- No pain
- No side effects
- No down time
- Short session times
- Increased hair strength and elasticity leading to fuller and thicker hair.
So if you are living with receding or thinning whether slowly or rapidly, book your free consult and let
Dr.Bakken and her team add you to our success stories.