Tattoo Removal Using the Spectra Laser

Tattoo removalOnce a permanent decision, tattoos are no longer everlasting or something you have to learn to live with. Whatever your reason for wanting to have a tattoo removed, with today’s laser technology it makes it possible to eliminate or fade most tattoos.

Reasons for wanting a tattoo removed are as unique as the reasons for getting the ink in the first place. Whether it is a bad or fading tattoo, what you once thought was cool is no longer suited to you, or your life has taken you in a different direction, you do not have to settle for a cover-up if what you really want is to have it removed.   

TattooingPainting of the human body goes back to the beginning of time. In the past, if you no longer wanted that ink the common techniques included cryosurgery, dermabrasion or excision. The variety of techniques used to apply tattoos is staggering; the source of the ink, where on the body the tattoo is applied, colors and designs used, even the depth into the skin can vary dramatically.  Thus the approach that the practitioner faces to remove tattoos must take into account that every person and every tattoo that is unique.

Laser and Skin Care Medspa is pleased to announce the recent acquisition of a Spectra Laser. This Q Switched laser is considered to be the gold standard in the removal of tattoos. There are a number of factors that must be taken into account such as the size, location, depth, and color of the tattoo before the number of treatments is decided upon. The treatment session each take from 10 to 30 minutes and most patients report no pain other than a warming of the skin and a light prickly feeling.

Tattoo removal with Lutronic

There is a waiting time in between each session to allow your body to remove the tattoo ink fragments and heal but after each session, you will notice the ink becoming lighter. This will depend on the colors of the tattoo and inks used. Black and dark green are the easiest colors to remove while yellow, purple, turquoise and fluorescent dyes are hardest to fade. With no downtime and minimal side effects, you can return to your normal activities immediately after a session.


Spectra Tattoo Removal

As with any procedure at the Laser and Skin Care Medspa in Red Deer, our consultations are free. If you have a tattoo you’ve been contemplating having removed, give us a call to schedule an appointment. We are the only clinic in Central Alberta with this Laser and look forward to hearing from you soon. 


To view a demonstration, please watch our video.